Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Follow this blog!

This blog i recently created is mostly about arts and life. Life is a much better place with art. I observe a lot, pretty much everything; people, mimics, behaviors, landscapes, buildings, nature, posters, movies, artists, actors, theatre plays, pubs, my ring, your ring, her hat, his beard, its look...:) Everything has a meaning for me, and i want to reflect what i understand from this world and the other worlds ( my dream world, my ideal world, my comics world,my inside and outside world, my theatical world...etc) on paper. And i show you my works- my babies. I would be very very happy to read your comments, your point of view, just feel free to criticize me or add something to my writings...or discuss or just say if you like it or not,don't forget to write why!:) Just help me so that i can improve myself, and publish better works for you.
looking forward to hear from you! bye for now!


Niall young said...

I just wrote a long comment but for some reason an error message wiped it!..don't you just hate it when that happens!? I've just finished reading my daughter her bedtime story which was 'Snow White' the original version by the Brothers imagine my suprise when I logged onto my blog to see that you had registered as a follower!!!

I've looked over your 'babies' have some nice drawings..and as you describe , you are an see line and form, texture and shadow.The thing that struck me however was the creases on your drawing paper.You need to go and buy some good quality cartridge'll notice the difference it makes to your drawings!

Bye for now!

snow_white said...

wow that's hilarious:D i think i'd be scared,thinking snow white in the story has heard me and chasing me:) thank you for the hint and comment, i will go buy some high quality paper for sure...cause the creases are even more than it seems on computer, in fact!

David S. said...
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David S. said...

I also thank you for following my blog. :)

Do you like indie games as well? What did you like about my blog?