Friday, October 23, 2009

Artistic Anatomy- Skeleton & Scapula!

This semester i'm taking "Artistic Anatomy ", as an elective course.

This is my first try of drawing skeleton.
Did you like these skeletons? :)) it sounds weird, i know.. "to like skeletons" ! But as a daughter of an anatomist, and as a girl who met with skulls and skeletons in the back seat of a car in the age of 4, i'm used to them. And actually have a sympathy towards them, they never hurt me:) They have been so innocent and harmless during all these years. Why would i get irritated?

The basic difference of Artistic Anatomy class from the other classes i have, is the fact that i don't have to hide what i draw during the class from the proffessor! (yeah, i draw something in almost every class...)

You know, the instructors wouldn't have very nice opinion about me if they knew i was drawing sketches and portraits of them in the, lets say: Econometrics class. Because it has NOTHING to do with the lecture...Well, it actually has a little-in the instructor part!

Anyways, when i figured out that i should do something which is at least a little related with the class - and stopped tempting myself about this in order to make it clear that drawing a coin, or a banknote (in dollar, euros, TL..etc) in International Economics class is not really something related with class - i decided that i should take a class from the department of Fine Arts. Now, i can peacefully draw, with a clear conscience,without feeling guilty:)

Well, i wasn't actually feeling guilty before as well, i don't know why i said that...

Take care!

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Chef d'oeuvre (!) of me in the History of Economics Class


Just an irony, as you could have noticed.

I study Economics.
Econ0mics is sometimes boring.

Ok, most of the time.

At least, it's not as interesting and enjoyable as drawing is for me.

So ,now guess what i did in the class!

Well, these are certainly not done in an attentive way, and not with the chalk or speacial drawing pencils that i normally use. So nothing so fancy, more like a sketch. I drew whatever i see in the classroom on my desk . I guess now you can imagine how bored i was...

Hopefully, i know how to entertain myself in such moments...:)



Ok, i admit that i've been so lazy these days. I really wanted to post new pictures i have drawn, but didn't really have that much time to draw new ones. BUT then i decided to post the old ones that i've drawn-like a few years before-which i have never published. Because i wanted to create a new post before march ends!
Let's make nostalgia :)

The pictures you see above are really really old. I mean, those times i used to read Polyanna! :D And this (the one on the right) was the cover of the book, which charmed me. If i don't remember it wrong, i did this one in the arts class. And the one on the left side, is one of my toys which i liked and played with a lot.

Picture above (on the right side): Year 2005. I tried to draw myself, haha :D Umm, doesn't look like me very much...

And finally the funny guy! I did this on my exchange year, looking to a sunglasses advertisement in a newspaper. I don't know what's magical about this man, but one of my friends said that she fell in love with the guy cause he looks fun and nice :S
Since this is an old work of me, the paper is ragged and crinky. Sorry for that.
Still,I like these pictures as well because they're done on childhood of me, and they make me glad since i can clearly see that i actually have made some progress on drawing since those years.


Monday, March 2, 2009

My latest drawing!

As the sun comes up, as the moon goes down
These heavy notions creep around
It makes me think
Long ago I was brought into this life, a little lamb
A little lamb
Courageous, stumbling
Fearless was my middle name
But somewhere there I
Lost my way
Everyone walks the same
Expecting me to step
The narrow path they've laid
They claim to
Walk unafraid
I'll be clumsy instead
Hold my love me or leave me
Say "keep within the boundaries if you want to play"
Say "contradiction only makes it harder"
How can I beWhat I want to be?
When all I want to do is strip away
These stilled constraints
And crush this charade
Shred this sad masquerade
I don't need no persuading
I'll trip, fall, pick myself up and
If I have a bag of rocks to carry as I go
I just want to hold my head up high
I don't care what I have to step over
I'm prepared to look you in the eye
Look me in the eye
And if you see familiarity
Then celebrate the contradiction
Help me when I fall to
Walk unafraid
I'll be clumsy instead
Hold my love me or leave me

Friday, February 13, 2009

I hurt myself the most

Even if i seem like i know so much,
I'm just trying to learn something

Even if i seem like i'm criticizing you,
I'm probably criticizing myself

Even if i seem like i'm smiling,
I might be crying inside at the moment

Even if i seem like i'm so strong,
It'might be my last tricks to stay on my feet

Even if i seem to be angry to you,
It might be because of my dissapointment about you

Maybe i expected too much from you,
maybe i'm right,
maybe it's you.

Even if i seem like i'm hurting you,
I hurt myself the most
and every time i yell out loud,
The echoes of my voice deafen my ears,
The brightness of my eyes blind myself,
The fire inside me burns my soul.

Even if i seem like i''m hurting you
I hurt myself the most.

It's been like this so far
It doesn't matter who you are...

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The things i miss the most

1.Seeing my grandpa, my other grandpa and grandma.I miss them a lot.
2.Living with my host families in USA
3.My exchage year! It was a speacial year.I would do everything to go back and live those moments again with my friends...
4.Climbing to sides of the doors in the house. Now i'm too big for that!
5.Being happy for achieving to reach somewhere way high for me. I was 3 or 4 when i was being proud of myself for being successful at climbing just two stairs.I was calling my dad, yellin " Dad, do you see where i've climbed, can you believe!!":D:D
6.Being in love.I miss it,too.
7.Eating peanut butter=) so delicious!
8.Acting on stage. It's been 9 months since i left the drama workshop in my school, i've missed acting already.Stage is one of the rare places that i really feel like i'm breathing.
9.Seeing a new country. That's a passion for me as well. It's good for renewing and refreshing.
10.To finish the book i start reading. I don't know where i get this habit from, but i just can't finsh a book since last year. I read 4-5 books, all at the same time,and start with a full of excitement, but then lose my interest and don't finish any of them!The only thing i know is i wasn't like this before, i used to finish everything that i started, but now i just lose my concentration very quick.
10. Sitting on the shopping cart and making the person next to me push it fast so i could drive(!) the cart so fast and scare the people shopping in the market.
11. The times when people thought it was normal for my age to play games, climb trees and walls, to act weird, to talk and laugh hard and loud, to feel free to get up some mischief, eating my meal without using knife and fork- just with my hands, talking with my toys, wearing an otfit colored like a rainbow with a puffy short skirt and patent leather shoes, dancing wherever i feel like dancing: in the street, out there in parking area, in the most serious and formal part of a ceremony..anywhere! Well, in fact i still do all these things. The only difference is people think i'm acting like mad when i do these.Some think this is crazy but i think this is so humanly and being mature/reasonable doesn't mean pretending to act like an adult, while thinking immaturely. It's all about your mind and heart,not about your outfit or supressing your enthusiasm. You can be mature, if only you don't hide your enthusiasm.Just like i do:)
12. Eating anything- chocolate, cotton candy, candybars, chips, ice cream and french fries without thinking about gaining weight:))

Finally, "of all the things i've lost, i miss my mind the most"

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Asi se baila el tango

Have you seen the movie "Take The Lead"?

I drew the poster of that movie this time... The soundtrack and the dances of the movie were so were amazing, so enthusiastic that makes me dance every time i hear or see:)
I strongly recommend you to see the movie and listen its soundtrack. It's so dynamic and fun.

Saturday, January 31, 2009


I totally love dolphins! I think they're so adorable, cute, witty,playful and friendly. If i wasn't a human,i would prefer to be dolphin because of these characteristics of dolphins and my love of sea, being in water, swimming and underwater life. I once had this beautiful dream, i was swimming in an ocean with lots and lots of dolphins around me, i was holding one of them tightly which made me move faster in water and that was such fun.I remember waking up with a smile on my face and an unbelievable peace inside me...It was such a wonderful dream!
Since my interest in dolphins, i decided to draw one a while ago, and here's the result:

I set my goals higher everyday
I make my own rules that I will obey
As long as I live
This is the life
I was born to lead
Unique chance for me to express myself
And fulfill my dreams
I'm in control of this ship of mine
And everything will be just fine
Like the wind I'm free to go anywhere
I got my song, it dances in the air
Now I know what to do with my life
So you will hear my freedom call
All those bad things I once went through
Changed into blessings when I changed the point of view
I needed them to growI've changed so much,
I'm finally free
To do what I want without feeling of guilt or fear
It's so amazing
I'm in control of this ship of mine
And everything will be just fine
Like the wind I'm free to go anywhere
I got my song, it dances in the air
Now I know what to do with my life
So you will hear my freedom call


Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Follow this blog!

This blog i recently created is mostly about arts and life. Life is a much better place with art. I observe a lot, pretty much everything; people, mimics, behaviors, landscapes, buildings, nature, posters, movies, artists, actors, theatre plays, pubs, my ring, your ring, her hat, his beard, its look...:) Everything has a meaning for me, and i want to reflect what i understand from this world and the other worlds ( my dream world, my ideal world, my comics world,my inside and outside world, my theatical world...etc) on paper. And i show you my works- my babies. I would be very very happy to read your comments, your point of view, just feel free to criticize me or add something to my writings...or discuss or just say if you like it or not,don't forget to write why!:) Just help me so that i can improve myself, and publish better works for you.
looking forward to hear from you! bye for now!

Monday, January 26, 2009

The Fear

i don’t know what’s right and what’s real anymore
i don’t know how i’m meant to feel anymore
when do you think it will all become clear?
‘cuz i’m being taken over by the fear

forget about guns and forget ammunition
cause i’m killing them all on my own little mission
now i’m not a saint but i’m not a sinner
now everything's cool as long as i’m getting thinner

Saturday, January 24, 2009

About Schmidt

Whose eyes are these?

He's a fascinating actor. He gave life to many many characters that have been remembered throughout many years. Maybe the most charismatic actor ever.One of the greates actors in the whole world. What if i say: WOLF ?

City of God

Have you seen the movie "City of God"?

I just fell in love with its poster. I couldn't resist the temptation and finally drew it. I just love the image and wanted to put it on paper sooooooo badly. Plus, i liked the result, honestly;)

What do you think about my work?-my baby=)


Atatürk... A great leader. We owe so much to him. Here, i'll focus not on his leading abilities or his life but i'll tell you what i felt when drawing this portray of him. First of all, his appearance is a short summary of his personality, i think.Behind sharp and characteristic facial expressions of him- especially the eyebrows- and his serious image,his glimmerring eyes are enlightening the whole area. The curvature on the left side of his mouth is softening the strict appearance and adds clemency and kindness, still keeping the fatherly authoritarian and humanistic image.
What i'd say about his portay's language would be: Tough but sensitive.

It seems like he's looking to you, focusing on you, just yourself but nothing, and seeing your heart, reading what's on your mind, understanding how you feel. Those sharp but shiny looks he throw are giving me courage, i don't know if everyone feels this but i feel stronger after a glance to his portray. It's as if he's watching me.

Atatürk has a very unusual face. It's so hard to reflect his symmetry on paper. I can say that the most challenging drawing i've done up to now is his portray. Even if you think you draw exactly what you see on the original photo of him, and even if you really draw it right, still something missing remains there. A part is missing, in this picture i drew, too. For now, this is the best i can do but maybe in future, after i find out the mystery i'll be able to reflect Atatürk to paper using my chalk again, with everything, without a missing part.

Littlest Things

Lily Allen is one of my favorite singers. Have you listened her song "Littlest Things"? Somehow, this picture i drew makes me remember that song each time. The very little things that you don't even pay that much attention at the time may have a huge inflence on your subconscious. And those "huuugeee things" that you think that are the most important may disappear from your life eventually. And all you remeber at the end is those "little things" like the funny faces someone made to you to make you laugh when you feel down, spending whole weekend lying in your own dirt with him,all the play fightin', all the flirtatious disses.
These are the cornerstone of life, even if they're little. They tell us the truth, they show us the dreams.They make us fly, they make us cry. They're not just "little things", they're more than that. Not materialist, not permanent, don't have guarantee, don't have those big evidences. The evidences you have would be have at the end would be just a piece of paper, a faded flower, an old yellow papered book, a few pictures and a song sang by a vapourous voice...


I drew this looking at the cover of a book af mine. The image really influenced me at first sight because this expression of the woman seems so sincere and genuine. It's so real and down to earth bu at the same time delusive and fantastic. I thought why i especially liked this image and concluded that it reflects a part of me.

I'm not a pessimistic person at all, in fact i can say that i'm a real optimist.I always try to see and understand all aspects of life, but focus on positive sides to have a positive duration while i 'm alive, and positive results. However, my senses are so sharp and emotions are intense. I think this helps me being creative but at the same time, hurts in specific situations. Anyways, i think every person creates his/her own world and what you really believe is your reality whatever others say or think. This doen't mean ignoring others' ideas or beliefs- the opposite. I respect the people who dare to find their own truth, their own dreams ,set their goal and chase without giving up.

When i get upset about something, i usually prefer to be alone and think, maybe crt for a while, listen music-especially the types that really touch me, draw sketches, create something or sleep. This short-term depressions may be fruitful sometimes. Like the woman in the picture, i just standstill and think, trying to understand what i feel, why i'm sad and why things turned out this way that upset me. Most of the people can argue with people- their friends, family,boyfriend/ girlfriend or the person who they think caused them to be unhappy to get discharged and blame them for everything. When i'm upset, i just don't want to talk. ı usually don't yell others, don't blame anyone, the first one that i blame would be myself.Therefore, i don't hurt people when i'm angry or sad, i hurt myself!! It's kind of weird and maybe funny, and this doesn't mean that i'm not agressive time to time and hurt others unfortunately.But most of the time, i try to get over it myself, because it's something to do with me and i know that i have to work on it what's in my brain and heart at first, when i have a problem. Then i calm down a little, share it with others and discharge myself in second step,after being just myself and thinking. Since i'm an optimistic person, as i told before, in the end i turn back to normal and be my old self again:)
What do you do when you feel sad? How do you deal with it?

My babies:My drawings:)

I drew this picture while i was in my exchange year in United States, in the arts class of my high school. I was really glad to see that my arts teacher liked it a lot. The portray belongs to someone famous, acutually. Just guess who this woman is in the picture!
I used black chalk to draw it and used my finger, sometimes a piece of cotton for making shady areas.

Just a hint: The famous Holywood star in the picture can be recaognized easier,somehow magically, if you focus on the LEFT eye (w.r.t yourself!!)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I'm done with the finals! Yayy!
Actually i haven't done anything that i wanted to do in last 2 weeks because of the finals were rocking(!) my world...
Ok,i don't wanna talk about those horrible days anymore, cause life is good in fact:)
I love drawing, and i have this tendency to do better each time. I have some pictures that i drew ,which i will publish here, soon. You can comment about those pictures and i 'd be really happy to read your criticisms.


This is me-"the drawer" :) as you could guess...

Just to say hi!

Hi everyone,

Well i'm kind of new in this thing, i mean having a blog-and i just want to say hi for now.
i haven't decided what my blog is gonna be about specifically but i have some options in my mind, still working on it:)

Anyways, talk to you soon...