Thursday, February 5, 2009

The things i miss the most

1.Seeing my grandpa, my other grandpa and grandma.I miss them a lot.
2.Living with my host families in USA
3.My exchage year! It was a speacial year.I would do everything to go back and live those moments again with my friends...
4.Climbing to sides of the doors in the house. Now i'm too big for that!
5.Being happy for achieving to reach somewhere way high for me. I was 3 or 4 when i was being proud of myself for being successful at climbing just two stairs.I was calling my dad, yellin " Dad, do you see where i've climbed, can you believe!!":D:D
6.Being in love.I miss it,too.
7.Eating peanut butter=) so delicious!
8.Acting on stage. It's been 9 months since i left the drama workshop in my school, i've missed acting already.Stage is one of the rare places that i really feel like i'm breathing.
9.Seeing a new country. That's a passion for me as well. It's good for renewing and refreshing.
10.To finish the book i start reading. I don't know where i get this habit from, but i just can't finsh a book since last year. I read 4-5 books, all at the same time,and start with a full of excitement, but then lose my interest and don't finish any of them!The only thing i know is i wasn't like this before, i used to finish everything that i started, but now i just lose my concentration very quick.
10. Sitting on the shopping cart and making the person next to me push it fast so i could drive(!) the cart so fast and scare the people shopping in the market.
11. The times when people thought it was normal for my age to play games, climb trees and walls, to act weird, to talk and laugh hard and loud, to feel free to get up some mischief, eating my meal without using knife and fork- just with my hands, talking with my toys, wearing an otfit colored like a rainbow with a puffy short skirt and patent leather shoes, dancing wherever i feel like dancing: in the street, out there in parking area, in the most serious and formal part of a ceremony..anywhere! Well, in fact i still do all these things. The only difference is people think i'm acting like mad when i do these.Some think this is crazy but i think this is so humanly and being mature/reasonable doesn't mean pretending to act like an adult, while thinking immaturely. It's all about your mind and heart,not about your outfit or supressing your enthusiasm. You can be mature, if only you don't hide your enthusiasm.Just like i do:)
12. Eating anything- chocolate, cotton candy, candybars, chips, ice cream and french fries without thinking about gaining weight:))

Finally, "of all the things i've lost, i miss my mind the most"


Jojo a. said...

I remember the days when I could just laugh out loud anywhere without having people looking at me with their googly eyes.
Or just doing something crazy and out-of-mind just because I could.
Now all people think about is "posture" and "maturity"

*sticks out tongue*

Kids have THE life...

Niall young said...

Firstly...number DO have a mind which is plainly obvious by your insightful and sensitve observations of your life and don't know how lucky you are!!!I remember a quote (I can't remember who by) which said..."Youth is wasted on the young"...I don't mean to suggest you are wasting your 'youth' in any way, but you are viewing your life obviously from where you are.One day you'll look back and realise it was the most fantastic of times.So I'm a jaded 47 year old man who has seen a lot of life...but with regard to number day you'll find that it doesn't really matter what people think of'll just dance when and where ever!

joJo a is right..look life straight in the eye..stick out tongue and live.

oh yes..and paint!

snow_white said...

JoJO:i agree that it's not just posture and maturity..everybody live their own life and others don't always have the right to judge and decide what's do or me, it's so right to be "crazy":D:D
Niall: 47 is not old at all! Plus, for an artist, maybe it's just the beginning of the life. I know i can see only a part of life in my age and there's always things there to learn and see.But still, sometimes trying to think out of the box and flying upto a certain distance which increases each time, gives me the chance to see myself and the world in a birds' eyeview. i'm just trying to live my age and make full of it also with the help of my chalk and paper:)